Committee Members

TAMARA MULRONEY President has been President of the Club since her appointment in 2022 having previously held the position of Club Secretary since 2020. Tamara is the best contact for all strategic initiatives and opportunities for the club.

RACHAEL TRAM Treasurer was appointed as Treasurer in 2023. As part of her role, Rachael also heads up our Finance and Strategy sub-committee. This involves the preparation and co-ordination of plans for government grants, funding initiatives and our strategy for the future.

CHRISTIAN HAWKINS Registrar had joined the Management Committee in 2023 and is now the club Registrar. Reach out to Christian for all matters relating to registration.

LAZ GEORGOULAS Secretary has joined the Executive Committee of the club, having held a position on the Management Committee previously. Reach out to Laz for all official matters of the club, including communications.

DORA OCCHIPINTI Assistant Secretary is the Assistant Secretary. Reach out to Dora to start a conversation about such matters or in the absence of Laz.

PHILLIP PSALTIS Competition Secretary is your go-to person for all game days and competition matters. Without a laptop far away from him, he is constantly ensuring our fixtures and results administration is up-to-date at all times.

DANIEL OCCHIPINTI Management Committee is a Management Committee member and heads up our Maintenance sub-committee, looking after our scope of grounds and facilities maintenance.

CHRISTINA PSARADELLIS Management Committee is a Management Committee member and leads the apparel sub-committee of the Club.

STEVEN SKARENTZOS Management Committee is a Management Committee member and is the Club Coach Coordinator / Technical Director.

JOEL JOSLIN Management Committee is a Management Committee member and is a lead of the Media sub-committee of the Club.

JUSTIN MCFALANE Management Committee is a Management Committee member and is a lead of the Media sub-committee of the Club.