Little Wanderers

Earlwood Wanderers conducts a Little Wanderers Program for 2-5 year olds.  Sessions are held each Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. from Saturday 5th April, through to Saturday 23rd August for 18 weeks (school holidays and public holidays excluded).

Sessions are run by accredited coaches with assistance and support if needed by some of our more experienced youth players.

Depending on numbers each week, players are divided into 4 groups and on a rotating basis work through sessions involving dribbling, passing, shooting and mini-games. 

The sessions are run with an emphasis on the players having fun while learning the basics of football.

Little Wanderers registration includes:

  • Playing shirt, shorts and socks
  • Shinpads
  • Drawstring bag

2025 sees the 11th anniversary of the program, and we are happy to say that some players from the original intake are still with the Club and most are playing in Division 1 teams and have been for some time.

For more information, contact the Little Wanderers age coordinator. Their details are on our contact page.

Register using DRIBL

The link to the DRIBL Store (where you complete your registration) is

At the first screen after logging in, select ‘EWFC Skill Training Programs’ under the ‘Programs’ section, then continue to follow the prompts.

If you are having any trouble completing your registration:

Phone support, Mon-Fri from 9am – 5:30pm on +61 2 9157 2600 (these hours will be extended during February

(Preferred) email, specifying as much information as possible about the error you’re experiencing (preferably add a screenshot too)