The SkillBuilder Plus program is aimed at providing young EWFC players additional opportunities to enhance their footballing skills, and that program will return in 2025. It is a competitively priced optional program that can complement any junior players’ or whole team’s regular training sessions. You must be registered with EWFC for the Winter 2025 season in order to participate in this program.
Led by experienced and accredited coaches, the program comprises two 6-week terms and is designed for ages 6 to 12, with age-appropriate activities, predominantly technical (not tactical), focusing on the four core skills: striking the ball, first touch, running with the ball and 1v1 with sessions each Wednesday evening at Earlwood Oval. Term 1 commences 2nd April and term 2 commences 21st May 2025.
The cost is $220 per term and you can register for either one or both of the two scheduled terms.
Registrations are now open for SkillBuilder Plus. Register through the Dribl portal under EWFC Skill training programs:
For more information, contact program organiser, Jim Tatsis, via or 0434 072 261