Players, Coaches, Managers and Volunteers are required to register online via the DRIBL platform to Earlwood Wanderers Football Club. Please read all the necessary information on this page, then proceed to the registration form. The link to the form can be found further down this page.
Registrations are open from Wednesday, 1 January 2025.
Please see instructions below on how to register. For players, when choosing the registration option, please choose the age group you will play in for the Winter season of 2025.
In-person registration assistance and Apparel purchasing (including fitting for Junior Ballon Boots) for those that require it will be available on the following dates at our clubhouse at Earlwood Oval, Doris Ave:
· Thursday, 13th February 2025 from 6pm to 8pm
· Saturday, 15th February 2025 from 10am to 2pm
We accept payments in person by credit/debit card, bank transfer or cash.
Fees for the Winter season 2025
At EWFC we are delighted to announce no change to registration fees compared to 2024. Refer to Registration Inclusions below.
Age Group | Earlybird Fee* | Full Fee |
Little Wanderers (Refer to Little Wanderers for inclusions and registration instructions) | N/A | $360 |
Special Needs Football (Refer to Special Needs for registration instructions) | FREE | FREE |
Under 6 and 7 | $235 | $255 |
Under 8 and 9 | $285 | $305 |
Under 10, 11 and 12 | $310 | $330 |
Under 13 to 18 | $340 | $360 |
Senior Men & Women (19+) | $420 | $470 |
Over 35 Men & Women | $420 | $470 |
Over 45 Men | $420 | $470 |
Over 50 Men | $420 | $470 |
* To be eligible for the Early Bird Fee*, your registration must be submitted and paid for by 23:59, Friday 21 February 2025. Full Fee applies to registrations processed on and after 22, February 2025. Discount applied at checkout. |
Codes of Conduct
By proceeding with a registration with the Earlwood Wanderers Football Club Inc. (‘EWFC’), you agree to be bound by the rules, regulations and final decisions set by the Committee of EWFC. Our Terms and Conditions and Codes of Conduct are located here: EWFC Codes of Conduct.
Active Kids Vouchers
To use these, you must complete your registration and input the voucher code at checkout. Ensure your voucher has not expired.
Family Discounting
Earlwood Wanderers is truly a family football club and we love to see parents continue to play football whilst their children are also playing. For this reason we are happy to officially offer a $100 discount to the third (and onward) player registration from the same household. So if both parents and their two children sign up to Under 6s and higher, the total cost of the family’s registration will be discounted by $200.
Unfortunately, Special Needs player registrations, and Coach/ Manager and Volunteer registrations are not included in the discounting scheme.
To access the discount, register your wife, husband, children with the Dribl login you completed your first registration with. Register all eligible players at the same time. We reserve the right to cease the discounting arrangement at any time and also deregister persons misusing the scheme.
If you are having any issues with the family discount, please contact
Age Group Eligibility
Players are able to register into the age group that they will attain in the year. For example, a player that is turning 8 years old in 2025 (irrespective of whether the birthday is before, during or after the season) is able to participate in the Under 8’s age group. Whilst Football Canterbury competition rules allow players to play in a higher age group, the club recommends players play with their intended age group.
For Senior/All Age teams:
- For Under 21s: Players must turn 18 or older in 2025
- For All Age: Players must turn 18 or older in 2025
- For Over 35 Men/Women: Players must turn 36 or older in 2025
- For Over 45 Men: Players must turn 46 or older in 2025
- For Over 50 Men: Players must turn 51 or older in 2025
Included with your registration (Under 6 and above)
- Playing shirt (to be returned at the end of season)
- Use of training and game equipment
- Ground hire and referees fees
- Insurance
- Coach and manager support
- Access to EWFC convened skills training programs (additional fees may apply)
- EWFC Full Zip Jacket to keep (NEW for 2025 – please indicate size required during registration)

Apparel and Clothing
We have considered your feedback regarding shorts and socks, which now only need to be purchased as needed. This change allows the club to offer new apparel, such as jackets for 2025.
Please indicate if you will be purchasing these by selecting the item and required size during registration.
- Shorts $25
- Socks $15
In partnership with Ballon Football we will have boots and shinpads to suit ages 2-9 available for purchase. Please indicate your interest by selecting the item during registration.
- Boots $55
- Shin pads $10
NOTE: These items will not be charged during registration – a purchasing and fitting day at the clubhouse will be communicated in early 2025. Check out our range of other EWFC apparel at the Elite Sports Club Store:
Registering using DRIBL
Please click here to view the instructions on how to register using DRIBL.
Please note that the early bird and/or family discount price will be shown/applied after the product is selected.
The link to the DRIBL Store (where you complete your registration) is Follow the instructions on the page to complete your registration after 1 January 2025.
IMPORTANT – Ensure the photo of the player you are registering is current, i.e. not taken longer than 12 months ago.
If you are registering more than one person (e.g. yourself and your children) refer to the instructions on the last page on how to complete another registration). Remember, if you start a new registration in your Dribl account, you will need to choose Earlwood in the club dropdown.
If you are having any trouble completing your registration:
- (Preferred) email, specifying as much information as possible about the error you’re experiencing (preferably add a screenshot too)
- Phone support, Mon-Fri from 9am – 5:30pm on +61 2 9157 2600 (these hours will be extended during February
Contact if you have any issues specifically with the club packages in the registration process.
Player identification
All players registering new to the club will need to provide proof of identification. Age coordinators will seek this from you prior to the season starting.
Privacy note: Please note that EWFC does not retain copies of identification documents digitally or physically. Once the cross-check of details between the DRIBL profile and the identity document is completed, any copies received are destroyed. If you choose to email the document to us, we recommend that you erase the document from your email sent items and device Images/Photos app.
Working With Children Check
Coaches and Managers must apply for a Working With Children Check through Service NSW. This is a requirement for anybody that works with children under the age of 18 in a volunteer or paid capacity. For volunteers, there is no fee to have the check undertaken.
If you have a WWC number, please enter your details in the registration form when asked.
If you do not have a WWC number, please commence the check process through Service NSW and once received, provide your WWC certificate (number and expiry) to
Football Insurance
For all information relating to insurance, personal injury information, claims and forms click here to go to Football NSW’s insurance information page.
Deregistering from EWFC
We’d be sad to see you go.
In order to de-register, follow these steps:
• log into your dribl account
• navigate to the respective Order
• Select ‘Request De-registration’
Once submitted, the Registrar and Treasurer will process your de-registration and refund, respectively.
If you have paid offline, please provide your bank details to .
Depending on the date you request your refund, a de-registration penalty may apply. Once the season commences, we are unable to refund any of the registration fee.
Reason for de-registration | Refund rule |
If you are unable to be placed into a team | Full refund of amount paid |
De-registration before 20 February 2025 | Full refund of amount paid |
De-registration on or after 20 February 2025 | A $50 de-registration fee applies |
De-registration after the season commencement (April 2025) | No refund |
If you redeemed an Active Kids Voucher when registering: It is against the Active Kids Provider terms and conditions to provide a cash refund to a parent or carer for the dollar value of an Active Kids voucher redeemed with us. We can arrange to transfer the Active Kids voucher amount to another registered Active Kids provider. Please contact the Treasurer to arrange this.